Why Does An Anorexic Go To Overeaters Anonymous?

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Many clients of The Victorian question why they attend so
many meeting of Overeaters Anonymous during the week.  For several reasons we will explain here:


1.1.)    Food

Though some may not admit it. ManyAnorexics and Bulimics also struggle with Compulsive Overeating at some point.
Once starvation and purging take their toll, the body becomes ravenous. Manybinge and compulsively eat at one time or another. As well, those with food
issues, whether they be anorexiabulimia or compulsive overeating tend to have
the same anxieties, negative cognition’s, fears and mental illnesses. In fact,
there are more similarities between all the disorders than there are
differences. The beauty of Overeaters Anonymous is “The only requirement for
membership is a willingness to stop compulsively overeating.”  Everyone there is struggling with some kind offood addiction and coping with this disease on a daily basis. The amount of
wisdom and support at these meetings are priceless.

2.1.)   Anorexic
and Bulimic

Overeaters Anonymous offers several types of
meetings. Some are for :

Newcomers – Those new to recovery and the 12
Step Process

100 Pounders – Those who have lost 100 pounds or

Maintainers – Those who have 5 years or more of
recovery and are ‘maintaining’ it

Book Study’s – These meetings focus on reading
the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of OA

–         Anorexic and Bulimic focus – Gathering those who
have Anorexic and Bulimic tendancies

The women visit a variety of these meetings
depending on the needs of The Victorian clients at the time.

3.2.)    Recovery
in Orange County, CA

Orange County has some of the BEST eating
disorder recovery
support in the WORLD. Some clients have even relocated to
Orange County post-recovery simply for the support at these meetings. These meetings gather women with years of
recovery, integrity and wisdom. The exposure to these meetings and these strong
women is what has given many Victorian clients lasting eating disorder

4.3.)    The
12 Steps

The 12 Steps are discussed and practiced in
these meetings. The 12 Steps are where the women learn about honesty,
integrity, respect, discipline and their own character defects they need to
work on.


4.)    Sponsorship

At Overeaters Anonymous the women find a ‘Sponsor’
someone who will lead them through the 12 Steps of recovery and support them on
their eating disorder recovery journey. This person is available for *phone calls,
lunch meetings, walks and constant support.

*Note: Availability varies depending on the

I hope we cleared up some of your
Overeaters Anonymous questions today! We are proud of the program we have at
The Victorian and are incredibly proud to have Overeaters Anonymous apart of
it. If you have any further questions feel free to ask below and I will answer.

Happy Recovery!


Eating Disorder Self Test. Take the EAT-26 self test to see if you might have eating disorder symptoms that might require professional evaluation. All answers are confidential.

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