Eating Disorders Support, News And Resources
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Anorexia Nervosa Associated With Lower Risk Of Invasive Breast Cancer
A new study review by researchers at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy has determined that women with restricted calorie intake due to anorexia nervosa have a lower risk of developing breast cancer. While these results in no way suggest that anorexia nervosa is a beneficial treatment for breast cancer, the devastating eating …

Americans Gaining Weight By Over-Consumption Of “Healthy” Snacks
A study published in The Journal of Nutrition has determined that Americans are consuming too many calories, by constant grazing on supposedly healthy snacks. The study determined that people eat nutritious snacks not only because of the good taste, but also because they are motivated by the belief that the snacks are good for them. …

Anne Hathaway Hopes Her ‘Les Mis’ Diet Won’t Promote Eating Disorders
Already-thin Anne Hathaway lost a shocking 25 pounds for her role as Fantine in the upcoming film, “Les Misérables,” mostly thanks to an unhealthy crash diet. Her sudden weight drop has caused a stir in the tabloids, but the actress is sick of talking about it because she is afraid it’ll promote unhealthy dieting in …

TV Exposure Linked To Female Body Ideals
Watching television poses a direct link to how females develop body image ideals, reports new research. The study is the first to show that media exposure – without any other variables or factors – can influence preferences for body size. “It was found that the highest Body Mass Index (BMI) preferences were found in the …

Anorexic Teen Throws Herself In Front Of Train, Scratched The Word “Fat” On Her Stomach
In a horrifying example of what body image issues can drive a young woman to do, a 15-year-old UK girl committed suicide by throwing herself under a speeding train. Rosie Whitaker had been treated at a South London hospital anorexia unit, but her mom says she was still committing acts of self-harm–this final one being …
Eating Disorders Blogs
Do “Fitness” Magazines Fail?
Have you seen the cover of Fitness magazine recently? How about Shape? If you haven’t, good. Don’t go looking for it. The covers seem to be getting worse. It used to be that you could count on a cover pic of an athletic, well-toned woman (not necessarily even famous), but not anymore. These photos look …
Dear Michelle,
It has been quite a week of turmoil in the world; the continuing horror in Japan, the tumult in Libya, the political gridlock in the Midwest…just a few of the headlines and real life atrocities affecting real life people. It makes the battle of size discrimination, body image, and eating disorders seem pale in comparison. …
That Was The Week That Was! NEDA Week: Day 7
Today is the last day of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2014 and it has been an eye opening week for me. I don’t have any hard stats to back this up, but it feels as if this year’s week had a broader reach and more involvement than in recent years. Sometimes I get cynical …
Off To Denver
At the risk of sounding a bit dramatic here: tomorrow at this time I will living a life that is unrecognizable as my own. I am starting an inpatient program in Denver, at the Eating Recovery Center, in the morning. I don’t know how long I’ll be there, they can only provide a rough average, …
Jewish Teens Prone To Eating Disorders
Many studies and surveys have already proven that eating disorders in Jewish teenagers are exceptionally high. It leads me to asking, why is the pressure to be thin so strong among these women? Just like everyone else with eating disorders, their main desire is to look thin because of their belief that being thin is …