Day Two Of NEDA Week: I Had No Idea!
Eating disorders are serious illnesses, not lifestyle choices.
“Eating disorders are complex illnesses that arise from a combination of long-standing behavioral, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, biological and social factors. As our natural body size and shape is largely determined by genetics, fighting our natural size and shape can lead to unhealthy dieting practices, poor body image and decreased self-esteem. Body dissatisfaction and thin ideal internalization are both significant risk factors for the development of eating disorder behaviors like restricting and binge eating.”
The only sure, certain, definite fact you can ascertain from looking at a person’s size, is that they are that size. You can not assume anything about their health, why they are the size they are, what they do or don’t do to be that size, or whether or not they are satisfied with their size. Please do not make assumptions about connecting body weight/size with an eating disorder, there are so many other factors involved.
To learn more about what an Eating Disorder may or may not “look like” please visit
The power is in your hands to determine how YOU feel about your body. Take your power back and define your own standards.
This week, I will be pinning about eating disorders on the WEGO Health ‘s Women’s Health board and on my Cultivate a Positive Body Image board. If you have any resources to add please let me know!
And in recognition of NEDA Week, order Dr. Deah’s Calmanac and receive a free bumper sticker or magnet! Purchase the book from my website or in any of the following California bookstores:
Books Inc- San Francisco 3515 California Street
Books Inc- Alameda 1344 Park Street
Book Passages- Corte Madera 51 Tamal Vista (after March 1st) but yes I will still send you your free gift!
Laurel Bookstore- Oakland 4100 MacArthur
then email me @ [email protected] or Tweet me @dr_deah with your address and a selfie of you with The Calmanac at the bookstore, and I will send you your free gift!Til Next Time!Dr. Deah
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