I once had a mood ring when I was little. I knew it was a piece of crap, because it never changed color. No I wasn’t what you would call a placid child, so basically the fact that it remained  green (peaceful and serene)  all the time was a sign that I should have bought a […]

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I once had a mood ring when I was little. I knew it was a piece of crap, because it never changed color. No I wasn’t what you would call a placid child, so basically the fact that it remained  green (peaceful and serene)  all the time was a sign that I should have bought a pet rock.
But those mood rings were actually on to something, unfortunately it was more to get people to buy money for something that didn’t exist.
I think that colors do represent mood and as a matter of fact Psychologists and color experts have proven they impact your state of mind.
I know I dress according to my mood..if I want to feel powerful I wear red, if I want to appear sexy I wear black, if I want to appear fabulous, I wear pink..if you see me changing several times during the day..I recommend not looking me directly in the eyes, or making sudden movements.
The funny thing to me is that everybody I believe in life interprets color differently. What may appear green to one person may appear blue to another. 
Each color of anything shoots off a unique variation and can be processed differently in your brain.
I truly believe your surroundings can totally play Jedi mind games with you by what colors you see.
I certainly can’t imagine a world without it. It’s like remember that scene in Wizard of Oz..which in my opinion was one of the most genius moves in cinematography. That scene where Dorothy steps into Oz and everything just becomes vibrant…it still gives me tingles.
If you look at color today, it’s like the Wizard of Oz gone wild. Color plays a huge impact in advertising. It makes me wonder what the impact of color TV played on peoples relationship with food in 1953?
I mean before that all the commercials were very ho hum..everything from laundry soap to meatloaf had the same color.
I know if I were really hungry and I saw a picture of a black and white cheeseburger versus a big colorful one..I’d most definitely find the one that looked like I could take it off the TV and eat it more appealing.
I wonder if that has something to do with why our children are so enticed by Froot loops, Tricks..and Lucky Charms, why people are going to McDonald’s more for dinner, and why we have skittles in our purse.
I think color can really do things for your appetite. I remember when I was in the depths of my disease, I was so hungry and my body was so starving, that everything I ate looked like it had been photo shopped. That’s why you start to see people as chicken legs, and small children as
However when I first started to get better, and re feed my body, I started to notice that if food was especially bright or colorful, it made me want to eat it more. At Rader our main goal is to get our patients back in touch with their intuitive eating. To connect the mind to the meal.

It’s a proven fact that foods like red peppers, bright strawberries, yellow corn,red salmon can stimulate your appetite.

Also the colors of the surroundings have a huge effect on your mood when you eat, and how much you eat. Ever notice why a lot of restaurants or food for that matter are not colored blue. They are more Reds and Greens, or soft browns.

It’s because blue has been proven to be the most unappetizing color. Case in point, I was at an event and somebody had colored the jello blue..I went to eat it, and literally got sick to my stomach. It looked so unappetizing, I had to throw it away.

If that jello would have been red,  or orange, two colors known to make you hungrier, I could have probably downed them.
I think that when you are learning to have a better relationship with food, that you should really pay attention to the colors you are eating. When you make yourself lunch, make it pretty. Even if it’s just a can add all kinds of color, and texture. I honestly no lie am not kidding when I tell you that if you go to Pier 1 and buy yourself some really pretty colorful dishes and go home and eat some really pretty foods..and I am not talking fruity pebbles here, I am talking fresh squash, avocados, mango’s, watermelons, purple cabbage, red snapper, or..etc, that you will really start to appreciate food and respect it. You will also feel good about putting it in your body. I encourage you to go to a local farmers market in your area and check out all the cool stuff you can nab.
Eating doesn’t have to be a battle, and it shouldn’ t be. Have fun with your food, and have fun with what you can do with it.
Check out cookbooks, and websites with new recipes, and experiment with color.
I certainly believe that color really has a lot to do with your lifestyle. The way you dress, the way you paint your room, the lipstick shade you have in your makeup drawer..these all can really do positive things for your life.
Below are some fun facts about colors and what they do for your psyche..check it out..and then listen to the song I linked has a lot to do with what color of the rainbow you choose to be today!
Helps you stay focused and pay attention.
Wear Red nail polish on your toes today!
Helps stimulate your imagination, and brainstorm.
Doodle at your desk with a bright blue crayon.
Chills you the heck out and
 relaxes you.
Sit on a green yoga mat and listen to some Marley
Motivates you to move
Put orange shoelaces on your tennis shoes.
Make you feel comfy when you feel crappy
Go hang out at Starbucks and nurse a Mocha.
Wear you LBD!
Gives you Energy!
Get a yello shower curtain!

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