Eating Issues On College Campuses Raise Serious Concerns
20% of College Females Have an Eating Disorder
There are varying estimates however, according to the National Eating Disorder Association, 20 % of college students have anorexia, bulimia or a binge-eating disorder. The majority of which are female students.
Shocking Studies
“Recent studies have shown that 50 percent to 60 percent of college students have disordered eating patterns which are loosely defined as irregular or unusual, sometimes obsessive habits.” The findings do not mean that almost 60 percent of college students have an eating disorder all ready but there are strong indications in their habits that they are at a high risk for developing on.
Eating Issues
Eating issues should not be confused with eating disorders. An eating issue implies that the college student can have one or more bad eating habit. Such as eating only one meal, a day or only eating specific foods that do not allow the body to receive the daily amount of nutrients it needs.
What the Colleges are Doing About it
“Colleges have recognized the issue, and many have established programs designed to raise awareness about good eating habits, to identify signs of eating disorders, and to inform students about services available on campus.”