Professionals – Eating Disorders Tough To Overcome
Anyone who has or has known someone with an eating disorder can tell you how hard it is to overcome one especially without professional help. Lisa Harmon Mollicone, coordinator of the Manalapan-Englishtown Community Alliance for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, addressed the topic of eating disorders at a full house during the Dec. 14 meeting of the alliance.
“Drying to be Thin” Presentation
Lisa made a reference to Karen Carpenter during her presentation about how important it is to get help early. Sadly Karen did seek help and was recovering from anorexia nervosa she was actually making very good progress. Then on February 4, 1983 at the age of 32, she suddenly died from anorexia. It may come as a shock to some that I used the word “suddenly” however, as was stated early she was in treatment and making good progress Karen was back within her normal weight limit. What ended Karen’s life was a complication of the anorexia nervosa all the damage that had been done could not be reversed. Heart failure is what killed Karen Carpenter.
The sooner you seek treatment for any type of eating disorder the better chance you have of overcoming it and having to struggle through any complications that may arise later.