Yoga And Eating Disorders
Just when you thought that cognitive behavioral therapy is the only solution to overcome eating disorders, here comes another alternative treatment to eating disorders that you would never have thought of before–yoga.
I used to think that yoga is simply a great way to relax the mind and the body, and at the same time to keep fit. I never thought of it as a treatment to eating disorders. But when you come to think of it, it really makes sense.
Yoga reduces depression, which is one of the root causes of eating disorders. If yoga treats the cause, then the problem wouldn’t occur, right? Moreover, since yoga keeps the body toned and fit, people with eating disorders who engage in yoga wouldn’t have to worry about their fear of getting fat because it will never happen. Thus, yoga increases the self-esteem of these persons, which is another cause of eating disorders.
Yoga really has amazing health benefits, don’t you think?