Support In A Storm – Help For Family And Friends
If someone you love has an eating disorder, they aren’t the only ones suffering. From time to time, I will share resources with friends and family members that may make the journey a little easier.
The Comfort Compass is a coalition uniting individuals living with mental health and/or substance abuse disorders, families, friends, & professionals with education, support and resources to encourage stability and decrease stigma.
The Comfort Compass is a safe place that will provide you direction in your journey in dealing with mental illness.
You will be able to receive support from other individuals who are enduring the same struggles as you; whether you are an individual with a diagnosis, a family member or friend of someone who has been diagnosed or a professional looking to further your own knowledge as to how you can help your clients more effectively achieve stability and a level of happiness that they deserve to attain.
Want to learn more, then just search for Comfort Compass on Facebook and it won’t be long before yo ucan find some additional support.