The Reason Behind Compulsive Overeating.
Compulsive overeating disorder is just like Bulimia disorder in a way, but what differentiate them is that a compulsive eater does not follow his bingeing with purging. A compulsive eater does know that he has a problem and he usually does something about it (e.g. dieting), but often fails in the middle of the road because of his inability to avoid food; therefore, another binge is created due to his feeling of failure and non-worthiness.
I believe that compulsive overeating starts from early childhood; if a person did not learn how to deal with the pressure, which sometimes can overwhelm him, in the proper way, he will definitely use other means of comfort like food to make himself feel better.
With the thought “Food is the friend that never fails” in mind, people try to cope with all the stress, depression, upset, anxiety and all the other destructive emotions that they face in their lives through compulsive eating, and after they are done with eating, the episode of guilt, shame and regret starts.