Obesity as Salt and Fat Addiction
“Sodium-laced and commercially cooked food which make up more than 60% of the average American’s daily diet is every bit as addicting as heroin or cocaine,” says Dr. James Cocores, a leading food researcher and nationally recognized addiction expert
This breakthrough, that provides the first credible explanation for the obesity epidemic is described in Dr. Cocores’ landmark, white paper “The Salted Food Addiction Hypothesis may explain overeating and the obesity epidemic” published in “Medical Hypotheses” Journal (2009;73: 892-899). He is also the author of Bright Foods – Discover the Surprising Link Between Food and Learning, Memory, Mood, and Performance (amazon.com).
“Thinking outside this fat-box requires taking extra steps plus a little round trip down the rabbit hole. We must completely refocus our efforts to understand the biology of food addiction that creates the same compulsion to overeat that’s provoked by the same mechanism (and behavior) in the brain that causes drug addiction. Understanding how the brain’s pleasure center sensitizes your brain to “abuse” or overeat certain processed foods is essential,” stated Dr. Cocores.
Read more: http://www.bradenton.com/2010/06/08/2343936/obesity-is-a-disease-of-the-brain.html#ixzz0qGr81S10