Eating Without Thinking.
Overeating is natural when a person enjoys a good and tasty meal. If overeating is done as a habit, in excess and with an abnormal craving, the person suffers from an eating disorder called binge eating. The patient eats too much food unlike other eating disorders where the patient eats too little. It is an embarrassing problem for the patient.
Binge eating is the subject of ongoing psychological research. When a person cannot stop eating even when full, eats alone and hides food containers, he or she is a binge eating patient. It is estimated that 4% of the population of the U.S. suffer from binge eating. Some binge eaters try to get rid of their weight by rapidly dieting. Depression and lack of self esteem are the reasons for a binge eating disorder. Binge eating is treated at specialized treatment centers with a combination of physical and psychiatric therapy.