Is Night Eating Becoming A Problem?
Night eating syndrome is not the same as binge eating disorder, though some binge eaters are often night eaters. Those with night eating disorders eat large amounts of food during the night, but do not always binge. The disorder is equally common in men and women – those with night eating syndrome often feel out of control.
Medical Consequences
Those with night eating syndrome are often overweight, which makes them more likely to suffer from health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. They are also more likely to experience heart diseases or gallbladder disease.
Some with the syndrome may experience depression and have a sleep disorder.
A person with night eating syndrome might eat rapidly, eat more than normal in a period of time, fell out of control, eat when they’re not hungry, continue to eat when they’re full and feel the need to eat alone. A person with this syndrome might also feel guilt, depression, disgust or distress.
Eating during the morning is unusual for a person with this syndrome, since they fill up with snacks during the night.
Sometimes college students pick up the habit of eating at night, or adults who return from work late at night. Workaholics often work through lunches, then compensate at night.
This syndrome may also be a response to dieting. When a person restricts calories during the day, they generally make up for them during the night. Additionally, night eating may be a response to stress.
Successful treatment for night eating syndrome generally requires a combination of different counseling techniques. Treatment generally begins by educating a person with the syndrome on their condition. This can be followed by cognitive-behavorial therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy and stress management.
Source: Walden Behavioral Care