Weight Loss: Dieting Without Excercise
While exercising can certainly aid in weight loss, limiting calorie intake is one of the most helpful ways to lose weight. If exercise is not possible, dieting over a longer of period of time may be an option. As always, you should consult a doctor before making a weight-loss plan.
Cutting Calories
One pound of fat contains 3,500 calories, which means that a person should eat 500 calories less than per day than you burn. To lose 1/2 a pound each week, a person need only cut back by 250 calories a week. Keeping a food diary can be helpful in performing this task.
Reducing the physical size of your plate, eating a balanced breakfast and getting enough sleep are also simple ways to encourage weight loss. In some cases, people who have announced their meals lost more weight than those who didn’t.
Low-Calorie Foods
Cutting back on calories can leave a person feeling hungry, so it’s important to replace high calorie foods with low calorie, high fiber food like fruits and vegetables. Replacing chips with carrot sticks and hummus, for example, is a great option. Calories can also be saved by using low-fat airy products and replacing high-fat meats with lean ground meat or poultry.
Tips For Each Meal
There are a number of simple ways to cut back on calories during each meal. These things include eating food that takes a while to digest like nuts or grains, taking smaller bites of food, eating slower, drinking a glass of water before each meal, not watching TV during a meal and avoiding eating a meal late at night.
Health Benefits
Losing weight can greatly improve your health. Losing weight reduces a person’s risk of heart disease by improving blood pressure and lipid levels. It also reduces a person’s risk of Type 2 diabetes and help you live longer.
Source: Healthy Living