Boost Metabolism after Anorexia
Anorexia nervosa is a crippling eating disorder that will completely destroy a person’s body. This psychological disorder is characterized by the extreme loss of body weight through starvation. A person with anorexia truly believes they are overweight, no matter how little they may weigh. While the complications one can experience from anorexia can be severe, recovering is entirely possible. Many of the adverse effects of the disorder can be reversed, but it will take time and effort. One area which many recovering anorexics find difficult is trying to boost a sluggish metabolism.
Metabolic Damage from Anorexia
Anorexia takes a toll on almost every major organ system in the human body. It can result in stunted growth and height in children. It can cause a delay in sexual maturity in females and girls can stop menstruating. Sometimes, a person with anorexia will develop thyroid issues due to starvation and it sets the body’s basal or resting temperature lower, in order to conserve energy. The malnutrition experienced with this disorder will cause metabolic changes that can only be restored by gaining weight.
The First Step
The most vital thing a person can do in the first step in recovering from a sluggish metabolism is to consume enough calories. It is imperative that a recovering anorexic eats enough food every day to speed up their metabolism. As a person’s daily food intake steadily increases, their metabolism will as well. It is important to eat nutritious foods to continue helping your body to heal and run at its most efficient levels.
The Next Step
Eating small meals or healthy snacks every couple of hours is highly recommended. You should eat at regular intervals each day. Starving yourself is out of the question and going for long periods of time without food, will only wind up slowing down your metabolism. Never skip a meal, no matter what!
The Final Step
You can do some moderate to light exercises that have been approved by your doctor. Working out and light exercises can stimulate your appetite and help you build up endurance, strength and muscle mass which will all speed up the metabolism. A light fitness routine is a great way to increase your stamina and to help keep your metabolism running at an ideal pace.
What You Should Know About Anorexia Recovery
In order for an anorexic to recover, they must first learn healthy eating habits. Working with the assistance of a dietician or eating disorder specialist, a person recovering from anorexia must acquire lifestyle changes and become dedicated to eating the right foods, in the proper amounts. It’s important to avoid caffeine, refined sugars and junk foods. However, it’s beneficial to consume enough water and to eat healthy foods with protein, such as eggs, meat, whey proteins and vegetable proteins.
People who are recovering from an eating disorder should always consult with a health care professional and dietician during recovery, in order to develop the best meal plan and to observe a diet rich in calories and important nutrients.
Working with a dietician that specializes in eating disorders will ensure a person can ease into a healthy eating plan and get the calories needed to ensure weight is gained back at a safe and steady pace.