Eating Disorders In Boys And Pre-Teens On The Rise
In the past few years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of pre-teenage girls diagnosed with eating disorders. According to a recent report, the highest increase of eating disorders has been found in boys and minority children.
Boys with Eating Disorders
Recent studies indicate that boys with an eating disorder have increased to five to ten percent of the population of individuals with eating disorders. This raises some serious questions, as eating disorders are primary a female disorder. Individuals with eating disorders are usually white females.
Genetic Component in eating Disorders
Scientists and researcher state that there could be a strong genetic component to eating disorders. Mental illness run in families and eating disorders are classified as a mental illness so it makes sense that a hereditary role is in play here.
Putting the Genetic Component Aside
If we put the genetic component aside for a minute because not everyone has a mother/father or close relative with a mental illness then what causes these individuals to develop eating disorders. Many people point the finger at the media. Woman are suppose to be thin and beautiful not overweight and fluffy. To a pre-teen and teen of either gender this assumption can have detrimental outcomes was eating disorders born out of a society that is obsessed with thin people.