Recent Survey Indicates “Looks Are More Important To Women Than Life”
The was survey conducted at British Universities by Dr Phillippa Diedrichs. The survey results were rather unnerving the college age women in the survey were willing to give up everything between giving up ten years of their life to a year’s salary.
The Statistics of the Survey
Thirty percent of the three hundred and twenty college age women involved in the study said they would be willing to give up at least one year of their life to be thin. Ninety-three percent of the women admitted to have at least one negative thought about their body a day. While thirty-one percent of the women admitted to having several negative thoughts about their body a day. Seventy-nine percent of the women said they would like to lose weight out of that seventy-nine percent less and .5 percent of the women needed to lose weight all of the women survey except one maybe two were all well with in their ideal weight range.
What the Women Would Give up to Lose Weight
Let us start with the amount of years they would take off their lives. Sixteen percent would trade one year of their life, ten percent would trade two – five years of their life, two percent would trade six to ten years of their life, and one percent would trade twenty-one years or more of their life to be their idea of thin.
Thirteen percent of the women said they would give up a year’s worth of their annual salary, eight percent said they would give up a promotion at work, nine percent of the women said they would give up spending time with their partner, seven percent said they would give up spending time with their family, and finally seven percent of the women in the survey said they would give up their health.