National Eating Disorder Awareness Week
Being that we are midway through this week dedicated to increasing awareness of Eating Disorders, I thought it was important to remind everyone that ALL of us can play a part in increasing society’s awareness of these frightening and sometimes fatal disorders, not just this week, but every day that we have the opportunity. Generally, we all are often caught up in our minds with our own thoughts and concerns. If we were to increase our focus on the people around us, I think we would see that there is someone close to you who may be suffering in one way or another. This, I think, is why many people with an eating disorder may go through their days, without anyone questioning their looks or behavior, because “they don’t want to intrude or get involved”. Personally, I think it’s better to step out and take that chance. It may mean that one more person gets help, and/or receives reassurance that someone cares. We were not created to be alone, or to suffer alone. People need people, and not just in sickness. Reach out to someone today who might need someone to talk to, and you may find a special friend in the process.