Draw Me A Picture Of You
What would it look like if you drew a picture of you?
What would your hand drawn image say about who you see yourself to be?
A new study says that Women suffering from anorexia or bulimia draw themselves with prominently different characteristics than women who do not have eating disorders and who are considered of normal weight.
The study, from the University of Haifa, Soroka University Medical Center and Achva Academic College, Israel, was just published in The Arts in Psychotherapy.
The article said nothing about what value it had for others beyond psychotherapists being able to diagnose better, but I wonder about the usefulness for those who are struggling with deciding if we have an eating disorder or not might draw ourselves and then read these typical signs:
The neck: women suffering from anorexia or bulimia tended to draw a larger neck, a disconnected neck or no neck at all;
– The mouth: this feature was more emphasized in drawings by women suffering from anorexia or bulimia;
– The thighs: women with eating disorders drew wider thighs than the other groups in the study;
– The feet: women with eating disorders tended to draw pictures without feet or with disconnected feet.