Go Bare-Faced On Social Media For Eating Disorders Awareness Week
It’s Eating Disorders Awareness Week, so stand in solidarity by doing something drastic: snap a photo of yourself makeup-free and share it on your social media profiles.
This is the call to action by the Renfrew Center Foundation, which is sponsoring the 2nd annual “Barefaced & Beautiful, Without & Within” campaign from Feb. 24th to March 2nd.
Share your bare mug
Participants are encouraged to get involved by sharing a photo of their bare-faced beauty and showing it to the world via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, with the hashtag #Barefacedbeauty. Support others by posting positive comments or retweeting messages on Renfrew’s Twitter page, @RenfrewCenter.
Makeup as a mask
Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC says that makeup can be a mask that “shields our authentic selves, full of perceived imperfections, from a world that judges women harshly and repeatedly on how we look, rather than what we think, how we contribute, or who we are.”
Harris-Perry also quotes research from the Renfrew Center Foundation, noting that more than one-quarter of girls who wear makeup rarely or never leave the house without it and 81 percent of 10-year-olds are afraid of being fat. Hospitalizations for eating disorders have also increased by 119 percent for children under 12 in the past decade.
More information about the “Barefaced & Beautiful, Without & Within” campaign can be found on the Renfrew Center Foundation website.
Source: Babble
Image from Renfrew Center Foundation